Now that you’ve (hopefully) read my post about why you should clean your handbag, purse, folio, etc. for mold, and know how to clean it properly for more of a maintenance-type clean, today’s post outlines a more extensive and invasive cleaning method. I also finish this post with helpful tips and hints on keeping your handbag mold free.
I do want to warn all those with “investment” purses or handbags that this one is probably not for you, unless you feel that your purse has had a major mold exposure and either needs to be completely sanitized or needs to be thrown out. In other words, this intense-type of clean would only be a last resort for that type of purse.
The MAJOR Clean:
When your purse needs a more extensive, all-over, inside and out cleaning, this is what I would recommend. This process will clean any stains from your purse and remove mold and bacteria. I do want to add the disclaimer, that you clean your leather at your own risk. I DON’T recommend this procedure for an expensive investment-type bag. I will say that I have successfully laundered my own bags this way with zero damage and all clean wonderfulness, but I can NEVER guarantee that your leather will react and launder the same way. Please proceed with caution and possibly crossed fingers.