Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Do you suspect mold in your home, office, car, etc. as the underlying source of your health issues? Are certain smells irritating you? Does your body seem to react to everything—“musty” smells, perfumes, chemicals, dyes, foods, heat, fabrics—negatively, even though those things never seemed to bother you before? Is your energy sapped easily, or do you wake up after 8 hours or more of sleep feeling exhausted and unable to face the day? Do you have chronic sinus infections, headaches, confusion, or brain fog? Are you constantly missing work, school, or social gatherings due to sickness?
If you have gone down this long, but by no means exhaustive list of questions, nodding your head and saying, “Yep. That sounds like me,” you may be experiencing a mold exposure somewhere that you spend a lot of your time.