When I started this blog, I wanted to do more than to just post different ways of “How to Clean for Mold,” even though that is the blog’s title. For me, figuring out the mold piece of my family’s allergies and health problems changed the way I did just about everything. For example, it forced me to wash my produce differently (see my post on washing fruits and veggies for mold HERE), to clean my home regularly for mold, and to be extremely vigilant about air quality.
When we found a doctor who alerted us to the possibility of mold in our living environment as the cause of many of the health problems that we were facing, I immediately began an “education by fire approach” to learning all I could about mold—reading everything and anything I could get my hands on that related to the topic, and talking to many different medical and environmental mold professionals. But, more than all of the scientific reading and professional help, the thing that really got me believing and wanting to try changing our environment, cleaning for mold and doing an overhaul on our diet and air quality, were the online communities of people on forums and blogs who discussed their health symptoms and personal experiences. I found some comfort in knowing that there were hundreds, if not thousands of other people out there who had experienced the exact same symptoms as me, my husband, and my son, and who had gotten better by cleaning their environments and lives of mold.