Can One Area of Mold Growth Make an Entire Home Unsafe?
I realize that reading mold research and scientific studies about mold is not everyone’s “thing,” but unfortunately for my husband and close friends, it has sort of become mine. The many nuances of our built environments, how each component influences indoor air quality, and how indoor air quality then influences our health (good or bad) totally fascinates me. I truly cannot consume enough information on the subject these days. When a home or building with mold growth is making people sick, there is so much more going on than just the mold. Often, there are bacteria, yeasts, viruses, excess humidity, dust mites, ventilation issues, damaged and decaying building materials, and much, much more. In my opinion, examining how each of these factors influence and affect indoor air quality is at the crux of us figuring out how to prevent mold and environmental illness and how to actually make those that are already sick become well again. My belief is that if we fully understand what is causing the illness, then the cure will become clear, right?