Home Healthy Home Is Mold Making You Sick? Get Answers with a FREE Sinus and Mold Sensitivity Online Evaluation

Is Mold Making You Sick? Get Answers with a FREE Sinus and Mold Sensitivity Online Evaluation

by Catherine

Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Do you suspect mold in your home, office, car, etc. as the underlying source of your health issues? Are certain smells irritating you?  Does your body seem to react to everything—“musty” smells, perfumes, chemicals, dyes, foods, heat, fabrics—negatively, even though those things never seemed to bother you before? Is your energy sapped easily, or do you wake up after 8 hours or more of sleep feeling exhausted and unable to face the day? Do you have chronic sinus infections, headaches, confusion, or brain fog? Are you constantly missing work, school, or social gatherings due to sickness?

If you have gone down this long, but by no means exhaustive list of questions, nodding your head and saying, “Yep. That sounds like me,” you may be experiencing a mold exposure somewhere that you spend a lot of your time.

As a matter of fact, all of these questions are ones that I was asking myself when we were in the thick of our mold ordeal. I kept wondering why I was ALWAYS sick. Why were my children getting frequent ear infections and congestion? Why was my husband sleeping ALL THE TIME? Why couldn’t I have a conversation without forgetting simple concepts or words? Why was everything I was eating not agreeing with me? Things just weren’t adding up.

After at least 20 doctor visits, consulting countless specialists, being diagnosed with everything under the sun including “mysterious” illnesses, and trying numerous medications and supplements with zero relief, I started looking for my own answers. Our home was the one thing we were all sharing on a daily basis. It was the one place we kept getting sick, and when we left for extended amounts of time, we all seemed to get better. Was our home making us sick? Were our symptoms in line with mold-related sickness? Was the musty smell coming from our HVAC vents to blame?

If you have started to ask these questions, but don’t know how or where to begin evaluating your symptoms without yet another expensive doctor’s visit or testing, I have a simple starting point for you: The Free Sinus and Mold Sensitivity Evaluation available on the MicroBalance website.

The survey takes only about 5 minutes to complete and will provide you with results to indicate where your symptoms fall on the severity scale (Slight, Moderate, Severe). The evaluation will also help determine if those symptoms are mold related. It is also FREE. The only thing required of you is to enter your first name and email address, and to honestly answer each question. Your results are private and confidential. Your email address is required, so that your results and a monthly e-newsletter may be sent to you. After receiving your results, you may opt out of the newsletter at anytime—although, if you are having health issues caused by mold, the newsletter will continue to provide you with useful and medically sound information.

The first section of the survey asks questions about your sinus history, everything from how many sinus infections you’ve had in the past year, to whether or not you have lost your sense of smell, to if you have non-food-related allergies. The second section deals exclusively with your actual environment. It asks very specific questions about your home and work environments. The final section asks additional medical history questions that involves rating your level of fatigue, and an area to check any other diagnosed health conditions, illnesses, or symptoms. When you are finished, you click “Submit,” and your results will appear. The results will also be emailed to you for later reference—which I found very helpful.

The survey offers a pretty thorough starting point. It can also be completed by a parent for a child, if needed. The coolest feature, and worth the whole exercise, in my opinion, are the simple suggested solutions and products providing solutions with your results.

Since we have fully remediated our home and have detoxed and treated our bodies for the mold exposure for about 2 years now, when I took the survey to write this post, my sinus severity score was on the very low end of “Mild.” I was obviously very happy with that after all that we have been through. All of the products and solutions suggested to me are things I already do—nasal washes and CitriDrops Nasal Spray—and an immune-boosting supplement—Logos Thymic Formula—that I currently take and love. So I guess I’m all set.

BUT, if your results fall in the “Moderate” to “Severe” categories, the results will include products for treating your symptoms as well as information on testing for mold, what to do if and when you find it (aka remediation), and environmental products that can help you manage the situation until you can get out of the moldy environment or get the proper professional help to remove it. You are immediately given a wealth of helpful and pertinent information, especially for those who just feel lost, sick, and don’t know where to start or where to turn for help and relief. At least at the end of the survey, you have some answers and advice, which, for me, was much more than I started with. Finally, the test results will aid you in your discussions with your physicians, providing clear, medically understood phrasing.

Honestly, I don’t see a good reason why you shouldn’t take the survey. Give it a shot and let me know how it goes!

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Karen Laass - 4:12 am

I was unable to access the test site. It requested that I check box to accept terms m conditions but no box was visible to check. No option for “next” or “ok” button to click


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