Home Healthy Home Video: How To Test for Mold Using EC3 Mold Test Plates

Video: How To Test for Mold Using EC3 Mold Test Plates

by Catherine

Hi! I’ve got a fun, instructional video to share with you today from Erin Porter of Eat, Pray, Get Well. I’ve posted quite a few articles featuring Erin now, so HERE is a link to my post on Erin, her personal mold story and the genesis of her wellness blog, and HERE is a link to a later post I wrote about helping her tackle a cleaning for mold issue she was having on some concrete subflooring in her home. Erin is a beautiful and dynamic person, and her blog is fun and uplifting to read—not to mention that her photography (Erin’s photography business can be found HERE) and food pictures are just beautiful.

Back to the video…

Erin was getting numerous comments and questions on her blog about how to test for mold. Folks wanted to know exactly how to go about doing it themselves, without spending hundreds of dollars on professional testing that may or may not actually provide viable information. (Click HERE to read my post about the Pros and Cons of professional and DIY mold testing.) And, because it seemed so scientific, many people just didn’t even know where to start—from which testing products to use, to how to collect both air and particle samples from a particular object, to then knowing how to read the results. So, Erin decided to make a simple, explanatory video to post on her blog to show people how she tests for mold in her home. The video also shows how she reads the results, what she does to treat any mold issues that she finds, and what she does prevent any further mold issues from occurring. So, Erin basically cuts the frills from DIY mold testing, showing anyone that they can do it too.

(I do want to note, in case you were wondering, that this method is just as scientific and as valid as other mold-testing methods. It is actually more accurate than digital methods.  The only difference is that it doesn’t identify specific species; however, who cares? We want all unnecessary mold out of our homes.  These EC3 Diagnostic Test Plates  can be sent in for lab analysis, if you would like to go deeper and find out mold species, etc.)

These are Diagnostic Test Plates and can be sent off to the lab to find out mold species and amount in your home.

Here is Erin’s video.

And, HERE is a link to Erin’s write-up on her video on her blog.

In conjunction with her video, I am linking to 3 previous step-by-step posts of how I used the EC3 Mold Testing Plates to test for mold in my home.

These mold test plates are affordable and easy to use.

Click HERE  for a product spotlight on the EC3 Mold Testing Plates, how to properly use them and how I used the plates to test some silk draperies in my parent’s home.

Click HERE for details how to properly read the results of your mold test. I also address next steps if the results indicate a mold issue, or higher than optimal mold counts, especially if you or your family member(s) have a mold allergy.

Click HERE for a follow-up mold test that I performed on the same draperies after treating them with the EC3 Mold Spray. The results are awesome and show just why I love that product so much—easy to use, non-toxic, and still a fierce mold cleaner—doesn’t get much better than that!

Enjoy! Please comment to let me know if you try it or if you have any questions.


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