My post today links to an extremely important article for everyone to read posted on the Espirit Wellness site. This article is obviously about air quality. It contains some startling facts that made me stop in my tracks, like, did you know that the air you breathe is twice as important to your overall health as your genetic code? Or, that nearly 60% of all preventable deaths are, in some way, related to air quality?
I’ve always had an astute appreciation for air quality and its importance in my life–I have been a competitive runner since high school, and when training hard and sucking wind, I feel the difference in how I feel related to the quality of air I am breathing. For example, if I’m outside on a country road, the air invigorates and restores me each time I breathe. On the other hand, when I am running in the city, surrounded by cars, pavement and exhaust fumes, I feel depleted and short-of-breath at the end of a hard run.
Fast forward to my life today. I am a wife to a man whose health was severely, negatively impacted by living in a mold-infested house for 2 years, and a mother to a son with sensory issues that are almost instantly magnified by environments with poor air quality, and chemical sensitivities. Thus, I can assure you that I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the air we breathe has prominent importance in our overall health.
So, without further ado, here is the article, appropriately titled Focus on Your Breath.
I hope you learn something new, and can apply your knowledge to keeping your environment healthy.
Just breathe….